Thursday, 23 May 2013

Wolf whistles and Fish

My task this week was two-fold. 1) Learn how to wolf whistle. I had it in the back of my head that this could potentially produce a slip up. Nothing of the sort! Check it out.

I am genuinely quite proud of that one. It's been a packed week which has seen me attending two gigs, taking part in some gardening, watching Expendables 2 (the bit with Chuck Norris is awesome) and having my first Spanish tuition lesson - which was muy bien.It also saw me ironing out the second fold of my task - 

2) cleaning and preparing a fish. The fish in question was a rainbow trout and I certainly took care of it as this will show...

So that was fairly harrowing at points but it wasn't done just for the halibut. I hake not being able to do things and bless my sole, I didn't want to be floundering around the next time a fish needs gutting. Actually it was quite interesting and a tremendous skill to have in the bag. 

So next time, I will have been brushing up on the phonetic alphabet and my main task will be to learn and be able to recognise some common bird calls. That way, if I ever find myself in the presence of a group of 'twitchers', and should I wish to impress them, I will be more than able. Come to think of it, I will also find out what the collective term is for a group of birdwatchers. 

I'll leave you with the dragon that appeared in my pint glass.

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