Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Playing the Wine Glasses

This week has involved music, food and fun. Simple as that. After the hammer blow of the lock picking saga, I think I have just about managed to regroup. And it helps that it is becoming more and more festive. Indeed the decorations have shot up with a vengeance in the house. See below.

Now, before I get to the main task, I also managed to contribute to one of my other tasks by way of my culinary adventures in the kitchen. By this I mean that I cooked the first of what will be seven key dishes that I can reliably deliver at will, with devastating skill should the need arise.

Contrary to what you can see, it was actually quite tasty. And it had Hollandaise sauce in it which is generally understood in chefs' circles to be exclusively for the big boys.

Now onto the wine glasses. It was well fun. However, my efforts pale in significance to some of the stuff on youtube. You may say I have too much time on my hands but some people have taken it to a different level. With minimal practice and some scarce and fairly shoddy glasses, here's what I produced.

If you liked that, there will be a version of Silent Night on my youtube page. Given more time I could see myself getting obsessed with this activity. Almost as addictive as lockpicking and balloon animals!

I have a busy couple of weeks in line now so I think my next task will have to span both weeks.This includes an adult gymnastics class for the end of the week to get working on my back flip. (No joke).  Any suggestions for  bumper Christmas week tasks to perform to redeem myself would be much appreciated. In the meantime, I had a bit of free time so I rather randomly recorded this cover of Stand By Me. Hope you like it!

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